Monday, September 8, 2008

Like father like son

We like to tease Nate a little about his obsession with mowing the lawn. You know how when you go out of town and you have to have your dishes done and your trash taken out...Well Nate has to have the lawn mowed before we leave! When we were landscaping our lawn they told us about this curbing that has a mowers edge on it so you don't have to weed eat...Nate was like "but I like weed eating" No Joke, that's exactly what he said! Yeah, we ended up with the regular curbing, same price I might add. Anyway I couldn't resist grabbing my camera when I saw this going on. So cute he's got a little MOW BUDDY.

Dax's wheels would get stuck so he would just pick the whole thing up and start running to keep up with Nate.

If you need any professional lawn mowing services give this little guy a call!


Colleen said...

Now I know who I can count on when I'm tooo old to mow anymore. (DAX) I love to mow the lawn too! It's my favorite thing to do! Remember Nate you used to mow lawns with your pet snake wrapped around your neck! cute pics, I really enjoyed them!

Linde said...

I still laugh when I think about Nates obsession with your yard.Your yard is so fabulous! I wish i even had a yard! Dax is so cute. I love how he is trying so hard to keep up!

Mandy said...

That's cute. He must be the only person I know that likes to mow. Your boys are cute. Wish I could see you guys more often. Hope school and everything is going well for you. :Love you lots.

Amanda said...

That makes me laugh so hard. I love Nate's face in the pictures you can tell he was laughing so hard. Does Dax work for free my patch needs a little work. The pictures are so cute! BTW you call me about 500 times today... but I know it was the boys hahahaha

Jenna said...

Thats so cute! Funny how boys really like to hang out with dad huh? Gunnar is like mom I need dad after he has been with me for a while. Kinda hurts my feelings?! ha ha

Jenna said...
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Dawn said...

I love that he just picks it up! I really miss our lawn, we should come down and wiggle our toes in your yard!

*Ashley said...

I'm so behind on my blogging!! That is too cute!! And they just keep getting cuter!

Chailyn said...

That is the cutest thing I have ever seen. Nate is such a fun dad and holy !@#$ that spider is disgusting!!!!!