Monday, June 2, 2008

Fun Times

Jesse and his girls came over on Saturday and he brought his scuba gear with him so we went Scuba Diving in our little pool...I've never been so I thought it was pretty cool, I can't imagine what it would be like in the ocean. The kids had a blast.

Don't ya just love Nate's hat

Afterwards, I skipped out a little early to meet Misty Moo Tittle for lunch, we have been planning on going out without kids since my birthday back in April...and we finally got around to it. We planned to go get pedicures or go shopping afterwards but we ended up visiting so long we ran out of time. We had fun just hanging out though.

Then Nate and I met to go see Indiana Jones which ended up being a total bust, I ended up leaving with the boys and Nate fell asleep in the movie with the girls. He gets that from his dad!
The girls liked the movie though.

Well we came home and and the girls wanted to go swimming again, we were all outside and I saw two wild turkeys right behind our house so Nate called Gunner and they took off in the Artic Cat chasing them. Nate (wearing flip flops) gets out and looks down just in time to see this... all coiled up and ready to strike.

I love Shelbi's scared smile in this picture

This is as close as Dax and I would get to it

The next morning I went out hunting for church shoes in the car and Nate had left it in the garage...I jumped so high and it scared me so bad that no sound even came out of my mouth! I came walking back in wearing my high heels with my more walking in the garage bare foot for me!


Misty said...

You are one busy woman! Lunch was a blast. We need to do it regularly. I am not so jazzed about that photo though.

That snake is crazy. Brandy & Cyndi have both had rattlesnakes at their houses. I would freak!

Linde said...

Finally! I have been waiting for a new post! Kooper and Kenzi are looking at it with me and Kooper keeps saying yuck (about the snake) and Kenzi said that the picture of Nate and Gunnar looks like 2 Uncle Nates (haha). I am glad that you and Mist got to get together. How fun and without kids:) That snake is freaky and it lokks like you had a great family reunion.

Linde said...

sorry didn't check my spelling fisrt.

Nate & Emily said...

Your kids are crazy! I would never have held that when I was Shelbs age! Way to go Shelbi! :)

Colleen said...

Where did that hat come from? Nate sure makes fashion statements doesn't he?? :) Yuck, snakes, some things never change with that boy! Years ago he mowed lawns all over town with his stupid pet snake wrapped around his neck, at least it wasn't a rattler!

Dorlene said...

Jen - after I regained consciousness I would have pee'd my pants then I would have passed out again with a snake in my garage - I don't care if it is dead! Great time at the reunion, hope you are recovering.

Amanda said...

A new post!! Nate does not need to wear that hat anymore. lol He's such a dork. That snake is scary!! The boys are getting so big! Thanks for the new post. I was dying to see what you guys were up too.

Diane said...

Nate looks like he is going to the rice fields.That snake is gross.I'm glad we don't have rattlers here in Vt.Your kids are getting so big.Thanks for the update.

Angie Colwell said...

Your new pics are so cute! I would have absolutely died if I saw that snake. I would have passed out and died without even an ounce of venom. Not even funny.

Nicki said...

aahhh!! Kevin just helped kill a snake at our neighbors house and now he's been having nightmares about snakes crawling all over his bed. Ha Ha!! Shelbi is SOOO brave and that expression is priceless. Your new family picture is really cute.

The Spencers said...

Cute new background and family picture. You do such a good job keeping your blog updated. Your posts are always so entertaining to look at and read. Yuck about the snake. Shelbi is so brave! How nice that Nate left it for you in the garage! I love the pajamas and high heels, funny... I'm sure I would do the same thing! The kids are getting big, they are so cute!

*Ashley said...

Sorry! I'm so behind on blogs!! Looks like you guys have been having FUN! & busy! You have such brave kids!!!