Monday, March 24, 2008

A Few Funnies

Harlee has been making me laugh a lot these last couple of weeks so I thought I would write a few of her stories down so I don't forget them.

We took her to see "The Spiderwick Chronicles" and she has been scared of the goblins ever since. I had to give her a magic word to make the invisible goblins go away....and the first word I could think of was "Bippity Boo". So now everywhere she goes I'll hear her say "Bippity Boo". Nate will say, "Watch out for the Goblins, Harlee!" and she'll take off running yelling "Bippity Boo" or I'll hear her whisper down the hall as she goes into her room by herself..."Bippity Boo" It's so funny, if I knew she was going to use it so much, I might have put a little more thought into the word I chose. BIPPITY BOO!

She asked me if her hair grew or if I glued it on???

For the longest time, whenever she would ask me a question she would get right up in my face and say, "say yes, mom" or "say No" depending on what answer she wanted to hear. It was kinda funny, but after a while I was like, what's up with this kid??? Then the other day she asked me if she could get the mail and I said, "sure" and she said..."Does SURE mean yes or no, mom??" Come to find out she doesn't know what SURE, MAYBE, or I Don't Care Means so just say YES mom!

We let Shelbi in on what we got Harlee for her birthday (which is in a couple of weeks) and we made her swear not to tell her what it is. So we were driving to Mcdonalds to play and I heard them talking and ..
Shelbi says..."I know what they got you for your birthday, Harlee."
Harlee says... "I know too."
Shelbi's eyes got huge and she asked, "what did they get you?"
Harlee said, "A Nope"
Shelbi "A note?"
Harlee "No, a Nope"
Shelbi "What's a Nope?"
Harlee "I don't know"
I was cracking up because when she asked Nate what she was getting he said NOPE!

This is the funniest age!


Amanda said...

I can't stop laughing. She is soo funny. are you having a b-day party for her? If so when?

Mary said...

Kids can say some of the funniest things, and they don't even know they are being funny. Now that I know that Harlee's getting a nope for her birthday, I'll make sure Rich and I don't get her one. It was great seeing all of you yesterday.

Mandy said...

How funny is she. Bella is so funny right now too. Everything is "huh mom?" So now we always say "huh Bell?" She gets so mad. Such cute pictures too!

Marci said...

Hilarious story...isn't it funny that the "magic word" will make everything better. Spiderwick was here the other weekend and I was wondering about it. My girls are scardie-cats too, so maybe that one will be a big "NOPE!"

Colleen said...

Between the flying monkeys and the goblins... glad you have a magic word!!!

Angie Colwell said...

How Funny. We took our kids to that movie too and trust me I have had to talk about goblins more than any person should. We had to convince Kinnly that they live in Alaska and it was hard to get him to leave the front yard for awhile (the sheild) it has been a riot.

*Ash said...

Haha! She's hilarious! That's SO cute!! Cute background btw!!

Linde said...

I seriously smiled the whole time I read that. So glad that you shared. She is something else that's for sure. I love her. I can't believe it has been so long since we've seen you:(

Angie Colwell said...

Hi Jenn, ya just call me whenever you are ready to order. P.s you really should think about selling. My commission last month was $750, so excited.